Emotions make great messengers but bad bosses. If we listen to what the messenger has to share with us, then turn to our heavenly Father and ask, “What do you want me to do?” all is well. If we turn to the messenger with our back to the Maker, then our emotions can lead us astray.
『情緒』是極佳的『傳信息者』、 但卻是很差的『主人』。 若我們接受『情緒』所傳的信息, 然後轉向天父詢問『主啊、我當做什麼』, 一切都會安好, 但我們若只專注在信息、而背對我們的主, 我們的情緒常常會讓我們迷失、帶來許多的麻煩。
— by Holley Gerth from her book 『You're Already Amazing』