The blood is God’s sacrifice for us. The water is God’s Spirit in us. And we need both. Some accept the blood but forget the water. They want to be saved but don’t want to be changed. Others accept the water but forget the blood. They are busy for Christ but never at peace in Christ. What about you?
『寶血』是神為我們罪愆的犧牲、 『活水』是神賜我們裡面的聖靈,兩者都是需要的。 有些人接受了『寶血』卻忘記了『活水』, 他們想要『得救』卻不想要『改變』; 有些人接受了『活水』卻忘記了『寶血』, 他們忙於『事奉』卻忽略了與主的『關係』。 今天我們是如何呢?
― by Max Lucado from his book 『He Chose the Nails』