From a biblical view, success has more to do with who you are becoming than with what you have accomplished… God connects success to obedience and character. God is more focused on us growing in Christ-likeness and using our gifts and talents effectively for His purposes.
從聖經的角度來看,『成功』是指我們成為什麼樣的人、 而不是我們做了什麼樣的事。 在神眼中,『成功』是指這些願意順服、 有成熟品格的人。 神更看重的是、我們是否越來越像耶穌, 並看重我們是否善用祂所給我們的恩賜、才能、資源, 來完成祂在我們身上的目的與心意⋯。
— by Tim Riordan from his book 『Wisdom Speaks: Life Lessons from Proverbs』