Unless we see the will of God as the expression of the love of God, we’ll resist it stubbornly, or do it grudgingly, instead of enjoying it. Faith in God’s love and wisdom will transform our attitude and make the will of God nourishment instead of punishment.
除非我們能將『神的旨意』、看為是祂『愛的表現』, 不然我們就會帶著倔強的心去抗拒、 或是帶著不情願的心去行, 而不能真正享受到神旨意所帶來的美意。 只有我們真心相信神的愛與神的智慧, 才能改變我們的心態,並使『神的旨意』 成為我們的滋潤、而不是懲罰。
— by Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe from his book 『Be Skillful』