The purpose of an education isn’t to fill our minds but to open them. The more knowledge we have, the more we realize how much we don’t know. This is what open-mindedness is. It helps us to see all sides, to be more understanding, and to be aware of our own limitations.
教育的目的,不在於填滿我們的腦袋、 而是在開放我們的思想。 當我們越是得著知識,就更會意識到自己的無知, 這就是所謂的『虛心坦懷』。 這樣的心態會幫助我們從各樣不同的角度看事情, 更多的願意去理解、諒解,並會認知自己的有限。
— by Hal Urban from his book 『Life's Greatest Lessons: 20 Things That Matter』