Hurry prevents us from receiving love from the Father or giving it to his children. That’s why Jesus never hurried. If we are to follow Jesus, we must ruthlessly eliminate hurry from our lives—because, by definition, we can’t move faster than the one we are following.
『匆促』使我們無法接受父神的愛、 也使我們無法分享父神的愛給其他神兒女, 這就是為什麼耶穌從來不『匆促』。 若我們要跟從耶穌, 就必須要冷酷的從自己生活中去除『匆促』, 要記得,我們決不能快過自己所在跟從的人。
— by John Ortberg from his book『The Life You've Always Wanted』