Respect is different from empathy... Empathy is the ability to feel another’s experience, especially painful ones. Respect is the ability to value another’s experience. You may not be able to actually empathize with someone, but you can always take a position of respect for them.
『尊重』與『同理心』是不同的。 『同理心』是指能『共感』別人的經驗, 特別是這些痛苦的經驗; 『尊重』卻是指能『看重』別人的經驗。 我們不一定能與人有『同理心』, 卻總是可以選擇『尊重』他們的經驗。
— by The Boundaries Books Team from the article 『Say "Yes" to Respect in Dating』 on 2019/08/12