Sports are a good gift from God. But when a good thing becomes an ultimate thing, thereby replacing God himself, it then becomes a destructive thing. Sports are a good hobby, maybe even a great job, but they are a bad god. If you look to sports for your identity, value, and meaning in life, you will be disappointed.
『運動』是神給我們美好的禮物, 但是當人把『美好的東西』視為『至上的東西』 而以之取代神,它就會成為『毀壞性的東西』。 『運動』是很好的興趣, 甚至可以成為很棒的職業,卻是很糟糕的神。 若我們想從『運動』來找到 自我的『認知、價值、與意義』,終究都會失望。
— by Jeremy R. Treat from his book 『Seek First: How the Kingdom of God Changes Everything』