When you are enjoying a healthy self-image and seeing yourself as God sees you - no more and no less - then you can face your limitations. You can yield them to Christ to work on - and as the same time, you can yield your abilities and strengths so that they won't lead to pride in your life.
當我們能健康的看待自我,能以神的眼光看自己, 不看自己過於所當看的、也不小看自己, 我們就能安然面對自己的有限, 因為我們可以將這些軟弱與限制 交在神的手裡、讓神來工作, 同時也可將自己的能力與長處交在神的手裡, 而不至於在生命中自我驕傲。
— by Josh McDowell from his book『The Secret of Loving』