


And whatever you do or say,
let it be as a representative of the Lord Jesus,
and come with him
into the presence of God the Father
to give him your thanks. (TLB)

— 歌羅西書:三17

『跟隨祂的腳蹤行、His Steps: What Would Jesus Do』這本書是在美國 1896 年所發行的暢銷書,裡面以英國『司布真、Charles Spurgeon』牧師在他證道中常問的一個問題『若是耶穌會怎麼做、What Would Jesus Do』,激勵神兒女在生活生命中、待人處事時,常要思想的一個問題。就像這句經文所提醒,每天無論做什麼、說什麼,要記得我們神兒女都是『代表、Represent』耶穌,『彰顯、Magnify』耶穌,而其秘訣是『倚靠耶穌、Through Jesus』、並有一個『感恩的心、Thankful heart』。今天我們是否也願意有這樣的實踐呢⋯?


是的,求神幫助自己,在每天生活中能常常問自己:『若是耶穌會怎麼說、What Would Jesus Say』、『若是耶穌會怎麼做、What Would Jesus Do』,盼望無論何事,都能帶著『感恩的心、Thankful heart』、並『倚靠耶穌、Through Jesus』,來『代表、Represent』、並『彰顯、Magnify』耶穌⋯。

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