Affirm, in my opinion, is the most powerful word in our language. It means looking for and finding good in people. It means building others up and encouraging them. It means nurturing and being supportive. It means reinforcing what others do well.
按我的看法, 『肯定』是在我們的言語中、最強而有力的言辭。 『肯定』是去尋找、 並看到對方的長處、優點、與好的地方。 『肯定』是去鼓勵、激勵、建造對方。 『肯定』是去培育、支援、支持對方。 『肯定』是去強化對方做得好的地方。
— by Hal Urban from his book 『Life's Greatest Lessons: 20 Things That Matter』