The woman was convinced. She saw that the tree was beautiful and its fruit looked delicious, and she wanted the wisdom it would give her. So she took some of the fruit and ate it. (NLT)
— 創世記:三6
從起初在伊甸園裡、一直到現在,那惡者誘惑人的方式還是沒有改變;若有、只是從『伊甸園』改到今天『網路線上世界』而已;牠仍是『像獅子遍地游行、尋找可吞喫的人』,藉著『美、how beautiful the tree was』、藉著『好、how good its fruit would be to eat』、與藉著『智、how wonderful it would be to become wise』,來吸引、欺騙人,讓人以為自己所看、所聽、所想、所以為的,是一件對的事、好的事、美的事、聰明的事。今天我們是否願意懂得先回到神面前尋求屬天智慧,不至於被謊言、騙局、陰謀論所矇騙而受害呢⋯?