If we feel more righteous as we read the Bible, we are misreading it; we are missing its central message. We are reading and using the Bible rightly only when it humbles us, critiques us, and encourages us with God’s love and grace despite our flaws.
若在讀經之後,使自己感到更自以為義, 那顯然我們並沒有以正確的心態來讀經, 也沒有接受到聖經所真正要傳達給我們的信息。 因為若是以正確的心態來讀經, 應該會使我們感到謙卑、自省、並得著鼓勵, 在面對自己的缺陷中,更能感受到神的愛與恩典。
— by Timothy Keller from his book 『The Prodigal Prophet: Jonah and the Mystery of God's Mercy』