Joseph became proud of the gift his father gave him, and he showed it off every chance he got… In much the same way, we can become caught up in the gifts God has given us. We can start to find our identity or sense of worth in that gift, rather than in the One who gave it. When we do, we become prideful. And we risk losing the gift.
約瑟因著父親給他的禮物而驕傲,一有機會就炫耀⋯。 同樣的,我們對神給自己的恩賜、禮物也常常會如此, 甚至以為自我的意義、價值是在於這些恩賜, 而忘記是在於賜給恩賜的那一位。 當我們開始驕傲,也就可能會失去這些恩賜、禮物。
— by Robert Morris from his book『From Dream to Destiny』